Monthly Archives: October 2010

AmApp Winter Coat.

This is the second mundane post in as many months that is about me purchasing a new coat. Partly because I want to brag about my taste in coats. Whilst many would class me as a hipster, I am actually physically unable to grow a mustache, haven’t ridden a bike (let alone a fixed gear bike) since a terrifying trip from a farm to a skatepark when I was 15 and the only thing I wear ironically is a sovereign ring I bought from Argos. I say these things because that is what we associate the retailer from which I bought this coat from. Guyz, you are sharp. IT’Z AMAPP.

Although looking to get rid of it’s hipster image (of which you can learn about more in an article I wrote HERE) it still is associated with it. I however don’t know what I’d do without them. Where else do you get a good quality, simple t-shirt which doesn’t have a skeleton riding a horse on a mountain of moths? All Saints t-shirts are fucking everywhere and I fucking hate them all. Don’t even get me started on military boots. Anyone who wears them should hang themselves by their shoe strings.

This isn’t the only reason I’d be upset if AmAppy™ went under as everyone is telling us it will do. I have a real thing for leggings. Not for myself, although I once bought some jeggings to sleep in until I realised it was slightly weird. I’m not only talking about the models on their website flaunting their size 8 pins, but basically anyone wearing wearing high waisted leggings top tucked in (or optional crop top) I will fancy. Within reason obz. American Apparel is the prime source for outfitting the nation of art students with these garments and ordinary girls are transformed into beautiful sirens ready to break my heart on the rocks. If this sounds weird I will edit it in the morning.

The reason this is all linked to my wonderful jacket is that, as much as I like to think it looks good on me (I do not part with that kind of money easily) due to the nature of AmApp’s unisex ethos, when sending the link of my coat to show my sizz on Facebook, I saw on their website, in the ‘view more pics’ section, this image.
So basically, this post is an advert for any girls who want my coat. You just have to own those leggings. Only catch is that you have to be my girlfriend. I look forward to the responses.

D Double E – Street Fighter.

Abbe Nyberg.

From the Newsoul Skateboards ‘You Got Soul’ promo which is availble in full from Vimeo. The video has only been up for a few hours and people have been going crazy. Maybe it’s something to do with the fact he’s doing frickin’ 360 hardflips. Or that that the song is really good. Maybzz both. Bit of trivia for ya, the song is actually on the soundtrack for ‘How To Train a Dragon’.

I would put it on Soundcloud but I hear Pixar are right fascists with their soundtrack artists, so I’ll give you the name and you can pretend to buy it whilst actually going on a Youtube to Mp3 site and downloading it that way. THE BL@@DY INTERNET EGH?

Jónsi – Sticks and Stones.

If I If I If I If I If I Lose You In The Street.

Biting and Begging
Hedi Slimane Diary
Jolijn Snijders
Always Philthy

Wale – Hold You (Gyptian Sample)

Any Gyptian sample is going to get on this blog. Put on SoundCloud again for y’all.

Able Jeans.

Huf National Crew Sweatshirt.

Urban Industry.

Pack My Bag And Wish Me Well.

Hey There Davina.


Nils Svensson.

What Have I What Have I.

TUMBLR KIDS. You are beautiful. Don’t get all insecure and add text onto a picture of legs highlighting your dreams. You will shed your puppy fat and marry that hawwt emo boy you’ve been dreaming of. Stay strong. Lots of love.

Whilst looking for some more pictures to entertain you with, I ran down that rabbit hole which we can all relate to. On Tumblr getting trapped on post-Myspace emo’s blogs where all they post are pictures of cupcakes, webcam pictures of themselves with the contrast turned up so much that their nose disappears and pictures of the ‘perfect’ emo boy. Mostly that guy from BMTH (I prefer BNTM, one week they had to be covered in nutella for a photoshoot) or Miley Cyrus’s brother who went a bit overboard with the tatts. That is the problem with Tumblr. For every brilliant blog on Tumblr posting pictures of thin girls in leggings, (not sexual, just aesthetically can’t be beaten), there is one that would share their strife via the bulletin board of Myspace 05. They post their problems and life on the internet seriously. WHERE THA HUMOUR?

I may write about my insecurities that have got a million times worse in these past few days, but GUYZ, I do not expect you to actually care. Just deleted a rather brilliant line as I got lured into forgetting this is the internet and not a personal diary. SOZ GUYZ.In other news, the person claiming to be Georgia May Jagger tweeted me to say thank you for plugging her latest video which you can see a few posts below which is pretty cool if it is actually her. Although I’m not happy about sharing my thank you with another person. Bit lazy of her. Anyway, the song in the video is none other than the NME touted, 2006 sounding, none relevant but kinda catchy Egyptian Hip Hop. Didn’t listen to them before that video and I’m not even sure they are that good, but due to the nature of a Pavlovian response I hear their song ‘Rad Pitt’ and think about Georgia wandering around a garden in just a pair of sequin trousers. It’s probably going to remain my favorite song for some time yet.

I uploaded the track onto SoundCloud for your pretty little ears.